Michele Mashburn
Michele Mashburn

Michele Mashburn, a longtime disability advocate and activist, played a pivotal role in the creation of a disability equity and inclusion pledge for Santa Clara County. Michele is an organizer on equity issues including housing, transportation, disability, and disaster response. She is a regular guest for podcasts with the Revolutionary Blackout Network and March for Medicare for All.

As the former Director of San José Peace and Justice Center (2016-2022), she believes in prioritizing the lived experience of people as an effective strategy for change. Through integrating the principles of Transformative Justice, Michele effectively bridges communities and connections with an eye toward equity and collective care. She is also an experienced trainer and consultant on anti-ableism and LGBTQ+ issues.

Michele served as a Steering Committee member of the Open House Committee with the City of San José Housing Department and an Advisory Member of the Santa Clara County Hate Prevention and Inclusion Taskforce. She currently serves as a County Council Member of the Santa Clara County Green Party (2020-2024).

Image description: Michele, a white woman wearing glasses with gray hair and smiling eyes pointing to a pin from BIBIPINS saying “Suck it Ableism”. Michele’s mask is pink, green, and white and she is wearing a black jacket with a gray scarf.

Connect with Michele Mashburn
Michele Mashburn

Michele Mashburn

Disability Advocate, Educator, & Activist * Cat Lover * Opinions are mine