COVID Chronicle #****
My mother lost her phone tonight. We located it at a cell phone place downtown, so I went off to get it back with a good friend. We got the phone back, totally busted and not easily repairable. In the process, I stopped to take this photo of a “successful” Al Fresco dining spot that continues to put people eating outside as a priority over my safety and well being as a disabled person and pedestrian in San Jose.
[image description: picture of a local restaurant’s sidewalk dining area covered with a canopy with tables on both sides and heaters going up the middle effectively blocking safe access for pedestrians and especially people who use mobility devices. There are 2 micro-mobility devices (scooters) and a trash can also in the photo]
Almost a month ago, I traveled this same path and videoed my path to work. It doesn’t show the problems clearly, but it shows my solution to the situation.