#SCCOfficeOfDisability — Social Media Toolkit

Michele Mashburn
6 min readJun 14, 2021


The June 22 Board of Supervisors meeting agenda can be accessed here:http://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=13224 . The Office of Disability Affairs referral is item 14 on the agenda. The item will be heard no earlier than 2PM. Referral Direct Link

Please show your support for item 14 on Tuesday, June 22. We ask you to please do one or all of these:

Feel free to attach pictures or short videos to get your points across.

We recommend that you let the Board of Supervisors know why the County Office of Disability Affairs is important to you.

June 13, 2021

Link to share this Social Media Toolkit: https://bit.ly/sccdisabilityaffairs

Link to the Microsoft version of this Social Media Toolkit: https://bit.ly/sccdisabilityword


It’s been 31 years since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, yet the County of Santa Clara still hasn’t caught up to “Nothing About Us, Without Us.” Even though Santa Clara County has a Division of Equity and Social Justice, with offices that support the interests of women, immigrants, the LGBTQ community, cultural competency, and labor — nobody officially represents the Disabled community. That means we don’t benefit from organized data collection and policy review the way these other communities can. Instead, all we have are community members making public comments without the benefit of data to support them.

The Office of Disability Affairs would also provide “one stop shopping” for information and referrals for the public, Disability training for County offices and community partners, and community engagement.

Our ally on the Board of Supervisors, Cindy Chavez, wants to help us make this a reality — but we need public support for our initiative.

We need YOU to promote the Office of Disability Affairs on social media and contact your County Supervisor — and we’ll give you the tools to do that.

▶ Demands for an Office of Disability
▶ Social Media Posts
▶ Email Templates
▶ Resources: Link to the Memo coming soon

Who is organizing #SCCOfficeOfDisability?

In order to embrace “Nothing about us without us,” this office is being created with the input from the larger disability community. This movement is a coalition of/by/for people with disabilities. This kickoff meeting was initiated by:

Demands for the @SCCOfficeOfDisability:

The long-term functions of the Santa Clara County Office of Disability Affairs should be to:

  1. Serve as an information, communication and referral hub about available resources and services. This also entails outreach and education as it relates to County departments and community partners.
  2. Review County’s current and upcoming policies and programs and revise programs and policies to ensure inclusion and accessibility of/by/for persons with disabilities.
  3. Develop and deliver training collaboratively for County departments and community partners.
  4. Collect and analyze comprehensive data to inform policy and budget decisions.
  5. Humanize the experiences and lives of individuals with disabilities through art and community engagement opportunities.

Social Media Posts: Copy and Paste


Option 1 (Call to Action for Friends): Do you think we need an Office of Disability in Santa Clara County? In order for, “nothing about us, without us,” we need a seat at the table. To help use this Toolkit ~> http://bit.ly/sccdisabilityaffairs #DisabilityEquity #SCCOfficeOfDisability

Option 2 (Call to Action for County Council): We need an OFFICE OF DISABILITY in Santa Clara County. It’s been 31 years since the ADA and the community is tired of waiting for access. Your best resource is the community but you need to build a place for us. @SCCGov #DisabilityEquity #SCCOfficeOfDisability

Twitter Community Art Project

Follow this link for a pdf file or scroll down to find the printable art sheet: “A Santa Clara County Office of Disability Affairs (#SCCOfficeOfDisability) means….” Draw a picture, write or type your thoughts, be creative and share your story about why this office might be important. Afterwards, take a picture with your phone of your lovely drawing or scan it then send it to your County Supervisor. (Contact information is below.)

Option 3 (Send the “Means to me” to Your Supervisor): The #SCCOfficeOfDisability means to me [insert your story here] [See Resources for ]

Option 4 (Artful Moment to Your Supervisor): [Take picture of drawing and attach it to the tweet.] The #SCCOfficeOfDisability means to me [insert your story here] @SupCindyChavez

Email/Call Script Template

*See Resources below for the contact information of your Supervisors

Call Script:

My name is [insert name]. I’m calling from District [insert number] in Santa Clara County, I’m calling because I want an Office of Disability Affairs in Santa Clara County. Understanding those with disabilities can not be done without those individuals giving feedback in order to help create best practices. Simply assuming each government department can handle this community in a vacuum without insight has been a huge oversight.

[Insert your reasons for why an Office of Disability Affairs in Santa Clara County is important.]

Disability advocates must fight thousands of battles, many times the same one over and over. It’s been 31 years since the ratification of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Santa Clara County is past due for creating this office.

Let’s make progress together,

[Your Name]

Email Template:


My name is [insert name].

I’m writing today because I want an Office of Disability Affairs in Santa Clara County. Understanding those with disabilities can not be done without those individuals giving feedback in order to help create best practices. Simply assuming each government department can handle this community in a vacuum without insight has been a huge oversight.

[Insert your reasons for why an Office of Disability Affairs in Santa Clara County is important.]

Disability advocates must fight thousands of battles, many times the same one over and over. It’s been 31 years since the ratification of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Santa Clara County is past due for creating this office.

Let’s make progress together,

[Your Name]

A Santa Clara County Office of Disability Affairs (#SCCOfficeOfDisability) means… on the top of the page and Name: underline space Zip code: underline space on the bottom on a white background

Alt Text: Title: A Santa Clara County Office of Disability Affairs (#SCCOfficeOfDisability) means…

Description: A Santa Clara County Office of Disability Affairs (#SCCOfficeOfDisability) means… on the top of the page and Name: underline space Zip code: underline space on the bottom on a white background

Ways to help:

  • Send an email to your County Supervisor
  • Take a photo of yourself or of some reason why this office is important
  • Draw a picture in the “What #SCCOfficeOfDisability Means to Me” image with alt text and share with your Supervisor and/or on social media
  • Tweet, post and share with others
  • Attend the June 22nd Santa Clara County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting to give public comment (It will still be virtual!!)


WHO IS MY SUPERVISOR?: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/bos/Pages/default.aspx

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors:

Otto Lee:
(408) 299–5030

Mike Wasserman:
(408) 299–5010

Cindy Chavez:
(408) 299–5020

Susan Ellenberg:
(408) 299–5040

Joe Simitian:
(408) 299–5050

June 22nd Board of Supervisors Meeting

Public Comment Instructions

Members of the Public may provide public comments to teleconference meetings as follows:

Written public comments may be submitted by email to BoardOperations@cob.sccgov.org​. Written comments will be distributed to the Board as quickly as possible, however, please note that documents may take up to 24 hours to be posted to the agenda outline.

Spoken public comments will be accepted through the teleconference meeting. To address the Board, click on the link on the agenda for the appropriate meeting to access a Zoom-based meeting. Please read the following instructions carefully.

  1. You may download the Zoom client or connect to the meeting in-browser. If using your browser, make sure you are using a current, up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may not be available in older browsers including Internet Explorer. You may also call in to the Zoom meeting using the phone number posted on the agenda.
  2. You will be asked to enter an email address and name. We request that you identify yourself by name as this will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak.
  3. When the Board President calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on “raise hand.” The Clerk will activate and unmute speakers in turn. Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. (Call in attendees press *9 to request to speak, and *6 to unmute when prompted.)
  4. When called, please limit your remarks to the time limit allotted.



Michele Mashburn
Michele Mashburn

Written by Michele Mashburn

Disability Advocate, Educator, & Activist * Cat Lover * Opinions are mine

Responses (2)